At RJS we believe that a vital part of putting your affairs in order is to consider making a Lasting Power of Attorney. This will let you choose who will make decisions for you if you become unable to make those decisions yourself.

Most people will have heard of a Lasting Power of Attorney but many will not have heard of the Court of Protection. Put simply, the Court of Protection deals with the affairs and concerns of people who have lost capacity, who have no power of attorney, and who are unable to make their own decisions.

Dealing with making Lasting Powers of Attorney or applications to the Court of Protection can seem a daunting process. At RJS we have extensive experience in making Lasting Powers of Attorney and can guide you easily through the paperwork. We also understand the issues and procedures involved in dealing with Court of Protection applications and can simplify the process for you.


Acting as an attorney or deputy

Making and registering a power of attorney

Making applicatioNs to the Court of Protection

Statutory Wills